Monday, June 22, 2009


Ok, been very busy and neglected this project. I have taken pictures almost everyday but I just haven't posted them here.
This is a weird plant we bought when we moved in here. Nothing much have happened with it until now. It suddenly started to grow straight up. I suspect there will be a flower at the end of that thing shortly.
Maybe I will be better at posting...


  1. Glad to see a new post again Daniel! The plant looks really awesome and different. Great processing on it. Looked like you and Erika had a nice weekend at the lake house.

  2. Hi Daniel, nice to see you again!
    In the meantime I also became a bit tired in posting and commenting on this project. I think it's normal after such a long time!
    We'll see if you'll be better ;-)

  3. glad you are back! I agree with Misola!
